The Tuas Finger One reclamation project is the first part of future mega port, which is expected to be the largest container terminal in the world. The reclamation area is 165 ha with 3.6 km caisson quay wall. The caisson height is designed to be 28 m to increasing the port capacity for much larger vessels. Dredged soils from the seabed and excavated soils form other construction projects are used for the reclamation with soil improvement by Prefabricated Vertical Drain (PVD) with surcharge.
Kiso-Jiban Consultants is engaged by the JV to conduct various Geotechnical Engineering Services which include,
- Marine Soil Investigation by Marine CPT and RI-cone
- Marine pressuremeter tests for quality check of rock mound of the caisson foundation
- Land CPT and RI-cone for quality check of the reclamation works
- Field density tests
- Geotechnical design of the caisson stability and the soil improvement by PVD with surcharge